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Withdrawal, Dismissal, and Late Graduation: A Case Study of One Northern Private University




停修 課程 退學 延畢 校務研究


This study uses data from a northern private university in Taiwan to investigate what courses have a higher withdrawal ratio and what kind of students are more likely to withdraw. From courses' perspective, those with a higher fail ratio or low average score have a higher withdrawal ratio, yet withdrawals responded to the fail ratio and average score differently. All students are sensitive to score, but only marginal students are concerned about passing the courses or not. Courses of more than two credits are more likely to be withdrawn, reflecting the consideration of costs and benefits. The instant benefits of withdrawals include saving time, enhancing grade point average, and avoiding dismissal, while the future costs are late graduation. Instant benefits are clearly greater than future costs. Students must retake required courses after withdrawal. Students who took an academic year course and pass in the first semester knew how to pass the course in the second semester. Consequently, required courses and second-semester courses are less likely to be withdrawn. From students' perspective, those with good grades and without a record of failing a one-half credit course are less likely to withdraw. Females and recommendation/multi-star students are less likely to withdraw. Withdrawal is a correction of the courses taken in the first place, which probably reflects that females and recommendation/multi-star students are more thoughtful than their countpartners, as they seldom take courses on an impulse. Seniors and freshmen are less likely to withdraw, which might suggest that seniors have abundant experience at taking courses and are more able to evaluate their own capability and to control their time. The low withdrawal of freshmen might result from knowing little about the rule of withdrawal or overestimating themselves. Withdrawals help students whose grades fall behind to avoid dismissal, but enhance their likelihood of late graduation.


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