  • 期刊


India's Leverage in US-China Interactions




What role does India play as a third party in US-China interactions? This paper aims to answer the question based on event data with two steps. First, is India a significant third party when analyzing US-China relations? Second, if yes, how does India's third-party effect work? By investigating the US-China-India triangular interaction from 1995 to 2017 with time-series analysis, I show that India's third-party effect is significant in US-China relations and works as a regional competitor to check and balance China's rise as the US strategy suggests. The analysis in this paper also indicates that US-India relations are the key for the United States and China to plan their next interactions. Furthermore, India's cooperation is the crucial element to influence the perceptions of threat and the cost-benefit analysis of both the United States and China in their decision-making process.


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Boschee, Elizabeth, Jennifer Lautenschlager, Sean O’Brien, Steve Shellman, James Starz, and Michael Ward 2015b “ICEWS Coded Event Data,” Harvard Dataverse, Retrieved March 13, 2018, from https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/28075
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