  • 期刊


Incentives of Compensation Schemes within Workgroups: An Empirical Study on the Real Estate Brokers in Taiwan


本研究的目的,主要是運用台灣大台北地區房屋仲介經紀人的問卷調查資料,探討工作團隊中,薪獎制度對個人自身努力、互動行為的影響效果。文中以Drago and Garvey (1998)的研究為基礎,建立理論模型並進行實證分析。在理論模型的比較靜態分析中,探討個人業績獎金比率、團體獎金比率、工作團隊規模等因素,對員工個人自身努力、破壞活動的影響效果。實證模型的設定是奠基於理論模型,以「工作時數」衡量「自身努力」程度,並以「搶工作頻率」衡量「破壞活動」,就工作時數、搶工作頻率建立計量模型,以最大概似法進行估计。不同於 Drag and Garvey (1998)的實證結果之處是,該文發現個人業績獎金、團體獎金對員工的互動行為並無顯著影響,本文的實證結果顯示,個人業績獎金、團體獎金對員工的互動行為具有顯著的影響效果。


This paper utilizes survey data of Taiwan's real estate brokers to analyze the effects of compensation schemes on individual's own effort and sabotage within the workgroup. Based on the research of Drago and Garvey (1998), we construct a theoretical model and the corresponding empirical framework. In the comparative static analysis of the theoretical model, the effects of individual piece rate, the group bonus rate and the size of the workgroup on own effort and sabotage are analyzed. In the econometric setting, own effort and sabotage are modeled simultaneously. The empirical results show that both the individual piece rate and the group bonus rate have significant effects on sabotage. These results are different from the findings of Drago and Garvey (1998).


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