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Daughters Before Sons: An Analysis of the Role of Female Adults Living With Parents in Collaborative Caregiving




Senior citizens who live with their children have accounted for more than 60% of Taiwan's elderly population over the years, but within the scope of this living arrangement, the differences between living with sons and living with daughters have yet to be elucidated. The respective roles played by sons and daughters in tending to disabled senior citizens in need of varying levels of care remain uncertain. This paper drew on data from the 2010 Population and Housing Census in Taiwan to probe 2,636,442 adult children of 973,138 older parent-child households. The potential role of daughters as caregivers in the household was explored by analyzing factors such as the gender, marital status, and employment status of the children; the status of parental disability; and intra-household needs for care. From the aspects of marital status, parental health status, and sibling relationship, interviews were also conducted with 11 female adults living with their parents in southern Taiwan to represent the diversity of adult daughters living with their parents in the paternal culture. The results revealed that (1) when elderly parents need help, about 20% live with their sons and 12% live with their daughters, but 68% live with both sons and daughters, and the daughter was more likely to become the primary caregiver. (2) Daughters were more likely than sons to assume caregiving duties in older-parent families living with multiple children. (3) The major motivations for adult daughters to live with their parents were the fulfillment of filial obligations and intergenerational exchange of resources; and (4) married daughters' ability to live with their parents might be explained by the resource advantages of their families of origin, whereas unmarried or widowed daughters, free from in-law pressure, were the ideal candidates to assume caregiving duties in the household.


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