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Public and Private Management: A Comparison between Outstanding MPA and MBA Programs in the US


有關公私管理異同之爭議以及公共行政教育與企業管理教育之定位,長年以來,一直是公共行政與企業管理學者專家所關心的課題。本研究旨在透過美國傑出公共行政碩士學程與企業管理碩士學程必修課之比較分析,來釐清界定公私管理之異同。誠如美國知名公共行政學者Richard J. Stillman指出,公共行政的內涵與範圍,可從一些傑出的公共行政碩士學程中反映出來,同理,企業管理的主要內涵與範圍,亦可從一些聞名的企業管理碩士學程中一窺究竟。以公共行政與企業管理碩士學程必修課之比較來探究公私管理之異同,應是一種合理可行研究途徑,其結果對多年來公私管理異同之爭議,當可提供一些新的立論依據與思考方向,對我國公共行政教育與企業管理教育之改造與提昇,亦能有所啟發與助益。從本研究所蒐集的資料展現出美國傑出公共行政碩士學程與企業管理碩士學程必課程的差異,如果我們相信這些一流學府對公私管理重要內涵的判斷,則對公私管理異同此一問題的答案似乎十分明確:公私管理異大於同。


The comparison between public and private management is one of the major topics for scholars and practitioners in the fields of public administration (PA) and business administration (BA). By the same token, the content and scope of PA education and BA education are frequently discussed in these two fields. The purpose of this study is to compare the core courses of outstanding MPA and MBA programs in the US, and to shed some light in the similarities and differences between public and private management. As famous PA scholar Richard J. Stillman pointed out, the content and scope of the field of public administration can be detected through reviewing a number of outstanding MPA programs. This logic goes to the field of business administration too. Accordingly, the comparison between outstanding MPA and MBA programs could provide us some knowledge and ideas about the similarities and differences between public and private management. In addition, the results of this study can help improve PA education and BAD education in Taiwan. The data collected by this research demonstrate the difference between the PA education and BAD education offered by the outstanding MPA and MBA programs in the US. If we believe these outstanding programs’ judgment about the important contents of public and private management are alike is very clear: public and private management are different.


連宏華(2010)。公共組織改造理論與應用之研究─ 行政組織改造之分析〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315214811
