  • 期刊


Exenterative Surgery and Recurrent and/or Persistent Gynecological Cancers




Surgery is a critical step in the management of various kinds of an early-stage gynecological cancer with lower associated morbidity and mortality. However, given the nature of the disease, these gynecologic cancers can recur or progress in some patients. The surgical management of advanced and recurrent cancers (includeing persistent or progressive cancers) is significantly more complicated, often requiring very extensive procedures. Pelvic exenterative surgery involves removal of some or all of the pelvic organs, such as for removal of urinary bladder (anterior pelvic exenteration), removal of rectum and anus (posterior pelvic exente. ration) and removal of all of the pelvic organs (total pelvic exenteration). Although exenterative surgery for persistent or recurrent cancer after initial treatment is difficult and is usually associated with significant perioperative morbiddity and mortality, it provides some women with a chance of cure that otherwise may not be possible. In addition, this-type surgery may also have a role in palliation of symptoms for some carefully and highly selected patients. This brief review did not include a relatively chemotherapy-responsible tumor, such as ovarian cancer.
