  • 期刊


Use of a Self-help Book to Alleviate Tinnitus: A Preliminary Report


背景:耳鳴是在無外界聲音剌激的情況下,人體產生感知音調或噪音的障礙,因為耳鳴涉及耳蝸毛細胞、聽神經和中樞聽覺通路,所以目前對造成耳鳴的機制仍需進一步的研究。本次研究的目的是在無專業人員的輔助下,比較耳鳴患者使用自助手冊和非自助手冊之治療效果為何。方法:共有22名耳鳴受試者接受耳鳴量表前測,隨機分派為實驗組(11名)與對照組(11名),實驗組接受6週的自編耳鳴自助手冊閱讀,而對照組則接受6週的語調聽覺法閱讀,6週後再接受第一次後測,而對照組基於研究倫理會收到與實驗組相同的耳鳴自助手冊,閱讀2週後進行第二次後測。結果:在臨床的分析中,接受耳鳴自助手冊的參與者,治療後在耳鳴反應量表(TRQ)總分改善9.53 ± 7.82(P = 0.002),耳鳴視覺類比量表問卷VAS 3的惱人程度改善1.36 ± 1.94(P = 0.044),VAS4的整體嚴重度平均減少21.36 ± 22.26(P = 0.01);而對照組治療前後發現耳鳴並無明顯改善。但是,試驗終點時,兩組之間只有VAS4改善分數有明顯差異(P = 0.040)。結論:本研究發現,在沒有治療人員協助的情況下使用耳鳴自助手冊可以作為耳鳴的替代療法,並提供個案不受時間或地點限制的治療。


BACKGROUND: Tinnitus is defined as a disorder in which tones or noises are perceived in the absence of corresponding external acoustic stimuli. Tinnitus involves cochlear hair cells and neural and central auditory pathways, and a full understanding of its pathophysiological mechanism requires further research. The aim of this study was to assess the response in tinnitus patients using a self-help book for treatment without professional intervention. METHODS: Twenty-two participants who passed the pre-test evaluation were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (11 patients) or control group (11 patients). The experimental group underwent 6 weeks of self-help book training. The control group underwent 6 weeks of treatment using a verbo-tonal speech book. All participants were asked to complete a post-intervention assessment of tinnitus (1st post-test). The control group then received the same self-help book due to research ethics. A follow-up assessment of the control group was then arranged for 2 weeks later (2nd post-test). RESULTS: In an analysis of the participants, 11 patients who received the tinnitus self-help book showed significant improvement of their tinnitus-related score in the TRQ (9.53 ± 7.82, P = 0.002), the tinnitus visual analogue scale, question 3 (VAS3) (1.36 ± 1.94, P = 0.044), and question 4 (VAS4) (21.36 ± 22.26, P = 0.01). No significant improvement was found in the participants of the control group. However, only the improvement of VAS4 was significantly different between two groups at the end of the study (P = 0.040). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that a self-help book, without therapist assistance, can serve as an inexpensive alternative treatment for tinnitus that is not bound by time or place.
