  • 期刊

Hannah Arendt and the Literary Presentation of the Holocaust



鄂蘭從加害者的觀點討論艾希曼的審判而引起世人震驚。 本篇從文學角度討論鄂蘭述說艾希曼案,並與其他討論浩劫的日記、歷史和哲學書作比較。浩劫的可怕性超越我們平常能想像的,因此形容浩劫的作者必須用一些文學的方法領導讀者進入與普通生活不同的倫理環境。


Hannah Arendt's account of the trial of Eichmann is shocking, not so much for the facts it lays out since these could be known from other sources, but because it is a well-told story written from the point of view of one of the villains. Arendt (1906-1975) tried to understand Eichmann (1906-1962). In this presentation I explore Arendt's literary genius, contrasting it with that of other authors, and asking why it is she felt it necessary to discuss this topic in the way she did. The paper firstly develops the theme of history as the history of individuals and history as a detective novel. It then looks at the presentation of evil and at criticism of Arendt on this point. Finally it notes features of Arendt's writing that are peculiar to peace philosophy.


Holocaust Arendt Anne Frank Eichmann Hitler


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Barkai, Avraham(1997).Deutsch-Jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit: Band IV Aufbruch und Zerstörung 1918-1945.München:C.H. Beck.
Bartov, Omer. (ed.)(2000).The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath.London:Routledge.
Bernstein, Richard J.,Larry May (eds.),Jerome Kohn. (eds.)(1996).Hannah Arendt: Twenty Years Later.Cambridge, MA:MIT Press.
