  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Using a Tele-Health Care System on Self-Management Behaviors of Patients with Hypertension


本研究目的旨在探討遠距照護系統應用於居家高血壓患者自我管理行為之影響。採類實驗單組前後測,對象為來自區域及醫學中心門診的高血壓患者共30位,教導系統使用方法後,導入二個月遠距照護系統,導入前以自擬之高血壓患者認知、態度、自我管理行為量表施測,導入後再加評系統使用滿意度量表,並評值使用情形。結果顯示高血壓患者之認知、態度及自我管理行為,均有統計上的差異(p<.000),尤其在每天測量血壓、按時吃藥、定期回門診檢查等行為的改變及持續上最有幫助;在維持理想體重及規律的運動上改變得非常少。雖然,血壓平均測量次數第一個月高於第二個月(21.7 vs.18.2),遠距照護系統使用滿意度為86%,以上結果可做為未來發展社區及居家遠距照護模式之參考。


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the improvement of self-management behaviors after using Tele-Health Care system (THC) to the hypertension patients at home. Thirty of hypertension patients were selected from OPD of regional hospital and the medical center. After subjects were given an instruction for the operations of THC program, and then used THC for two months. The pre-test measurements were conducted by the knowledge, attitude and self-management behaviors scales of hypertension. Additionally, the usage conditions of THC and the user's satisfaction scale were evaluated at the post-test. As the result, the improvements of patients' knowledge, attitude and self-management behaviors were significantly higher than before (p<0.01). The results also showed that using THC could help them to change their action model and enhance the persistence, especially most helpful on these behaviors such as blood pressure taking, medication on time and follow up periodically. However, there are lesser changes on maintaining the ideal weight and regular exercise. There were 86 percent of the patients satisfied with THC system. The 1st month mean measurement frequency of blood pressure was higher than 2nd month (21.7 vs. 18.2) . The results of the study provide evidences for application of the Tele-health care system in community and home-care facilities in the future.


