  • 期刊


Nurses' Acceptance of Medication Administration and Blood Transfusion Barcode Technology System


目的:探討護理人員對給藥與輸備血條碼科技系統接受度及其相關因素。方法:本探索性研究採橫斷式設計,針對有使用給藥及輸備血兩條碼資訊系統之護理人員進行方便取樣,得有效樣本59位,應用科技接受模式擬定結構式問卷,內容包括:(1)基本屬性,(2)科技認知與接受度量表,最後輔以藥物和輸備血通報意外事件之發生率印證科技系統之成效。結果:護理人員對於給藥與輸備血條碼系統之接受度屬於中~中上等程度,且對於輸備血系統之接受度明顯較給藥系統為高。影響護理人員在給藥或輸備血條碼系統使用之行為意圖,主要預測因子為認知病人有用與認知社會影響(adjusted R^2=79.6%,adjusted R^2=87.5%)。影響使用給藥條碼系統滿意度之重要預測因子為認知自我有用(adjusted R^2 = 61.1%)。影響輸備血條碼系統滿意度之重要預測因子為認知易用性,認知自我有用與認知病人有用(adjusted R^2 = 76.7%)。結論:護理人員對於條碼科技具有正向的接受度,且由近10年資料可見輸備血條碼系統上線後跡近錯誤件數下降,但須持續改善條碼給藥物工作流程以利臨床作業改善。


Objective: To investigate nurses' acceptance of medication administration and blood transfusion barcode technology system and to identify factors related to acceptance. Methods: This exploratory study was conducted as a cross sectional study design, a convenience sample of 59 nurses was invited to participate in the study. The data were collected using a questionnaire that was based on the technology acceptance model. The questionnaire include: (1) Demographics variables. (2) Technology perception and acceptance questionnaire. We also provide the data of blood transfusion near miss events and medication administration accident reporting rates to test the effect of these system. Results: The acceptance of medication administration and blood transfusion barcode technology system were moderate to high level in nurses, and blood transfusion barcode system had significantly higher score than medication administration barcode system. The important predictors of behavioral intention(BI) to use in medication administration and blood transfusion barcode technology system were perceived usefulness for patient care(PU-PT)and social influence (SI)to use (adjusted R^2=79.6%, adjusted R^2=87.5%). Perceived usefulness for own performance (PU-SELF) explained 61.1% (adjusted R^2=61.1%) in satisfaction with medication administration barcode technology. Perceived ease of use(PEOU), Perceived usefulness for PU-SELF and PU-PT explained 76.7% (adjusted R^2=76.7%) in satisfaction with blood transfusion barcode technology. Conclusions: The results revealed that nurses had positive acceptance to barcode technology. We also found that blood transfusion barcode technology system effectively decreases in blood transfusion near miss reporting rates nearly 10 years. However, barcode medication administration workflow should be further improved in order to benefit clinical practice.
