  • 期刊


Using RWD and TTS Combined with QRcode to Build a Convenience System for Voice Pharmacy Services


提供病人正確且即時的藥品資訊是現今藥事服務重點項目,藥袋成為病人領藥返家後獲得處方與藥品資訊的重要工具。故本研究希望透過現代化資訊技術之協助提供傳統藥袋創新加值的藥事服務。本研究分三階段規劃:(1)響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design, RWD)建置本院藥品查詢系統,讓民眾可於手機等行動裝置方便查詢藥品資訊包含器具型藥品操作影片;(2)整合病人處方及藥品資訊於藥袋上QR code,經掃描後與本院藥品查詢系統連結;(3)利用文字轉語音(Text-To-Speech, TTS)技術將藥品文字資料轉換成語言播放。本研究成功地運用各項資訊科技將傳統藥袋升級為智慧藥袋,RWD、TTS以及QR code的緊密結合使藥袋無限化、影音化、有聲化與客製化,讓病人可在任何時問與地點獲得更完善與最新穎的藥品資訊,同時也透過語音模式強化如高齡者或盲胞等特殊族群之用藥安全。希望藉由本研究提出之資訊新策略與實務經驗分享,提供其他醫院參考學習,以全面提升藥學專業與現代化科技之結合以滿足現今民眾對醫療的需求。


Providing correct and real-time drug information to patients is one of the important objectives of current pharmacy services. Medicine bags become pivotal tools for patients to obtain prescriptions and drug information when they return home. Therefore, this study aims to provide innovative and value-added pharmacy services for traditional medicine bags with the assistance of modern information technology. This study was planned in three stages: (1) to set the hospital's drug query system with RWD (Responsive Web Design), and people can easily search for drug information including videos demonstrating how to operate medications such as insulin injection and inhalers with their mobile devices; (2) to integrate patient prescriptions and drug information in QR Codes printed on the medicine bags, and people can use the drug query system by scanning. (3) to apply TTS (Text To Speech) technology to convert pharmaceutical text data into language for playback. This study has successfully used various information technologies to upgrade traditional medicine bags. In addition, combining RWD, TTS and QR code makes medicine bags unlimited, audio-visual, and customized. They can provide patients much more complete and innovative drug information at any time and any place. The assistance of voice strengthens the safety of drug use in special groups such as the elderly or blind people simultaneously. It is hoped that the new information strategy and practical experience we proposed in the study will be shared with other hospitals so that enhance the combination of pharmacy and modern technology to meet the medical needs of the people.
