  • 期刊


An Hermeneutical Investigation of the Relationship Between Word-exegesis and Thought-understanding




The article makes an effort to solve the problem of the relationship between word-exegesis and thought-understanding within the historical context of Chinese philosophy by mostly relying upon the standpoint of Friedrich Ast's hermeneutics. The investigation begins by analyzing Hui-Dong and Dai-chen's ideas regarding the problem. Secondly, it proceeds by relating how Mencius expressed his hermeneutical thoughts. In particular, we see that the problem contains two tasks to be solved, namely, "the relationship between word-exegesis and sentence-comprehension" and "the relationship between sentence-comprehension and thought-understanding". Furthermore, the investigation shows that the problem should not only be treated under the hermeneutical perspective of the parts-and-the whole-relationship as Ast did, but more fundamentally under the perspective of the concept-reality-relationship. Thirdly, the author offers an illustration of how the difficulty of interpreting Hanfeitzu's concept of "Hsing-Ming-Tsan-Tong", and together with it, the semantic determination of the word "Tsan", may be overcome, which, together with Mencius' hermeneutical thoughts, sheds light on the relationship between word-exegesis, sentence comprehension and thought understanding. In light of the relationship between these three parts we establish a twofold hermeneutical circle which in turn allows the confusion caused by Dai-Chen's slogan, "The thought of a text can only be understood when words are correctly construed", to be cleared, and the hermeneutics of Mencius to be compensated.


朱守亮:《韓非子釋評》,臺北:五南圖書公司,民國 81 年。
朱熹:《四書章句集註》,臺北:鵝湖出版社,民國 73 年初版。
岑溢成:《詩補傳與戴震解經方法》,臺北:文津出版社,民國81 年。
邱黃海:《從「任勢為治說」的形成論韓非思想的發展》,中央大學哲學研究所學位論文,2007 年。
陳奇猷:《韓非子集釋》,臺北:河洛圖書出版社,民國 63 年臺再版。
