  • 期刊


To Have a (Re-) Visional Eye/I: A Passage from "White Authentication of Blackness to Black Self-authentication" in Morrison's the Bluest Eye




Toni Morrison's first novel, The Bluest Eye (1970), which explores a rejected black girl's vain quest for the bluest eye, has been (mis) read as dark and bleak. However, Morrison's writing ”out” the bleak tragedy of a young black girl caused by the white authentication of blackness is not only to cry out her anger at the racial discrimination imposed upon her people, but to write black self-authentication ”in” the intelligible zone or in the literary canons in which the positive images of blacks are usually silenced. Thus, the aim of this paper is to (re) read The Bluest Eye as one of Afro-American (op) positional discourses to the white hegemonic culture. By prosecuting a careful investigation on the subtle dynamics of the inter- and intra-racial oppression, Morrison intends to dc-mystify the white mythology and then to awaken her people to the importance of their self-(re) discovery.


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