  • 期刊


Inheritance of Jiang Shiquan's Zhongyatang Selection Four-Six fahai to Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose




Jiang Shiquan's Zhongyatang Selection Four-Six fahai is the most distinctive in the selected works of Qing Dynasty. The discussion words of The General Remarks at the beginning of the book are simple and concise, leaving a lot of space for further interpretation, and his evaluation criteria and the terms in the whole book also echo The General Remarks. From this, we can analyze Jiang Shiquan's theory of Parallel Rhythmical Prose and supplement the research materials of the history of Parallel Rhythmical Prose criticism of Qing dynasty. This paper further explores why Jiang Shiquan particularly advocates Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose, and examines how he uses Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose as an aesthetic index, and then carries out his commentary and constructs theories of Parallel Rhythmical Prose. The results of this paper suggest that Jiang Shiquan's commentary on Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose has the role of establishing Xu Yu as a model of Parallel Rhythmical Prose and promoting the theory of Parallel Rhythmical Prose. He established Xu Yu style theory and clearly pointed out the technique of writing of Parallel Rhythmical Prose. The viewpoints of all scholars who accept Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose are all within the scope of Jiang Shiquan's theoretical category. For the inheritance of Xu Yu Parallel Rhythmical Prose, Jiang Shiquan's Zhongyatang's Selection Four-Six fahai has an index meaning.


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