  • 期刊


A Study on Shi Yi Zhi Nan of Duan Changwu in Southern Song Dynasty




Song Dynasty sustained the scholar system of Jinshi following Wang Anshi Reforms, and adopted the contents from Classics as a yi essay test to select ideal candidates to be their officials. Duan Changwu's work, Shi Yi Zhi Nan in the regime of Emperor Song Ningzong, was a preparation book for Classics essay test in the imperial examinations. This book was compiled into Zhi Bu Zu Zhai Cong Shu in the regime of the Qianlong Dynasty; nevertheless, scarce bibliographies and literature reviews regarding the book can be found and no monograph study in academy is undergoing. This study applies statistical methods and historical methods to probe into the bibliographies and circulation, and find out its benefit to imperial examinations. Furthermore, this study verifies the incorrect statements made by previous scholars, and catch a glimpse of Shijin as a yi essay test and preparations for imperial examinations.


宋•呂祖謙 LÜ, ZU-QIAN 編,齊治平 QI, ZHI-PING 點校:《宋文鑑》Song Wen Jian(北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua Book Company,1992 年)。
宋•段子武 DUAN, ZI-WU:《詩義指南》Shi Yi Zhi Nan,收入《叢書集成初編》Cong Shu Ji Cheng Chu Bian 第 1726 冊(北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua Book Company,1985 年,據《知不足齋叢書》本排印)。
宋•段昌武 DUAN, CHANG-WU:《昌武段氏詩義指南》Chang Wu Duan Shi Shi Yi Zhi Nan(臺北Taipei:藝文印書館 Yee Wen Publishing Company,1966 年,影印清乾隆末鮑廷博校刊《知不足齋叢書》本)。
宋•段昌武 DUAN, CHANG-WU:《昌武段氏詩義指南》Chang Wu Duan Shi Shi Yi Zhi Nan(臺北Taipei:臺灣商務印書館 The Commercial Press,Ltd.,1981 年,影印清嘉慶《宛委別藏》寫本)。
宋•段昌武 DUAN, CHANG-WU:《昌武段氏詩義指南》Chang Wu Duan Shi Shi Yi Zhi Nan,收入中國詩經學會 China Society for the Study of the Book of songs 編:《詩經要籍集成》Shi Jing Yao Ji Ji Cheng 第 8 冊(北京 Beijing:學苑出版社 Xue Yuan Press,2003 年,影印「民國 10 年上海古書流通處影印清鮑氏刊《知不足齋叢書》本」)。
