  • 期刊


A New Interpretation of the Story of the Commander of the Right (you shi) in Chapter 3 of the Zhuangzi




先秦 道家 莊子 右師 詮釋


Concerning the Story of the Commander of the Right in Chapter 3 of the Zhuangzi, four approaches of interpretation can be discerned in existing commentaries. Based on Schleiermacher and Böckh's theory, existing interpretations are tested by the three criteria of linguistics, literature and philosophy. A new reading of the story, which appears to have advantage over existing interpretations on all three criteria, is proposed: the Commander of the Right, who was previously found guilty and cut off one of his feet, looked exactly like a complete person, not showing any physical inadequacy or spiritual inferiority. In the pre-Qin society, an important function of mutilation was to impose shame on the criminal. Gong-wen Xuan thought that it was impossible for one who was mutilated to appear exactly like a complete one in his manners and self-esteem, for mutilation was bound to strike one's self-esteem fiercely. This was why he assumed that the Commander was born without one foot, and his mistake indeed reflects how uneasy it was for the Commander to preserve his self-esteem, confidence and ataraxia after his mutilation. By this, the Commander practiced a critique of power by his body.


pre-Qin Daoism Zhuang-zi you shi interpretation


宋剛 SONG, GANG:〈莊子之怒——試論古代中國一種權力批判〉“Zhuangzi’s Rage -- Reflections on a Critique of Power in Ancient China”,《中國文哲研究通訊》Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 第 22 卷第 4 期(2012 年 12 月),頁 23-39。DOI:10.30103/NICLP.201212.0002。
漢‧王符 WANG, FU 著,清‧汪繼培 WANG, JI-PEI 箋,彭鐸 PENG, DUO 校正:《潛夫論箋校正》Qian Fu Lun Jian Jiao Zheng(北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua Book Company,1985 年)。
漢‧孔安國 KONG, AN-GUO 傳,唐‧孔穎達 KONG, YING-DA 等正義:《尚書》Shang Shu,收入清‧阮元 RUAN, YUAN 刊刻《十三經注疏:清嘉慶刊本》Shi San Jing Zhu Shu: Qing Jia Qing Kan Ben 第 1 冊(北京 Beijing:中華書局 Zhonghua Book Company,2009 年,影印清嘉慶南昌府學重刊宋本)。
漢‧桓寬 HUAN, KUAN 著,王利器 WANG, LI-QI 校註:《鹽鐵論校注(增訂本)》Yan Tie Lun Jiao Zhu (Zeng Ding Ben)(天津Tianjin:天津古籍出版社 Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House,1983 年)。
漢‧許慎 XU, SHEN 著,清‧段玉裁 DUAN, YU-CAI 注:《說文解字注(標點本)》Shuo Wen Jie Zi Zhu (Biao Dian Ben)(臺北 Taipei:藝文印書館 Yee Wen Publishing Company,2005 年,據經韻樓藏版印)。
