  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship between Chinese Philosophy and Design Thinking




In terms of design value systems in Taiwan, those in the industrial, governmental and academic fields have all taken Western oriented developmental paths but have overlooked the values and elucidation of own cultural tradition. As a matter of fact, the “Western-oriented” model is the original one which has led to improper practices in the development of design in Taiwan and, in turn, has led to immeasurable losses with regard to competitive edge. Therefore, the purpose of this study is aimed at ”Chinese philosophy” as the very origin of retrospection for Chinese culture in an effort to summarize and infer the spiritual characteristics of Chinese-oriented design. Meanwhile, the study draws conclusions to verify the concepts leading to present and future trends. Through much effort, the values of Chinese-oriented designs so induced can be well recognized. As a result of this study, the ”Chinese philosophy” practiced now and an enlightenment for the future can be well verified. After all, Taiwan's designers must return to the very origin of their cultural systems before they can possibly step onto unique”Chinese-oriented designs.” And, in turn, Chinese designers can develop unique design languages and play a key role on the stage of design in the international community.


Yu, W. H. (2014). 教練行為對行為性方法---以辯證思維為調節變項以及經驗性方法為中介變項 [master's thesis, National Central University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201511584054
