  • 期刊


Development of an Integrated Model for NO_2 Variation Prediction in Kaohsiung Metropolis Using Land-Use Regression and XGBoost


暴露二氧化氮(NO_2)會對人體造成不良健康效應,然而過去空氣污染暴露評估模式仍有高估或低估的問題,因此使用高時空解析度之預測模型探討大範圍暴露濃度有其必要性。本研究以高雄都會區為研究區,使用土地利用迴歸模型、並結合極限梯度提升(Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost)演算法,發展高時空解析度之NO_2濃度推估模型。結果顯示,土地利用迴歸結合XGBoost模型R^2為0.82,均方根誤差為4.53 ppb,具有高度預測與解釋力,十折交叉驗證R^2為0.82,顯示模型沒有過度擬合的問題,最後利用此模型推估高雄都會區NO_2之時空變異情形,結果發現高值熱點出現在南高雄之工商業發達以及人口密集處。


Exposing to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO_2) may cause adverse health effects. Previous air pollution estimating models still face overfitting or underfitting problems. Thus, using estimation model with high spatial and temporal resolution to assess NO_2 exposure is important. This study utilized Land-Use Regression (LUR) coupled with Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm to feature NO_2 concentration distribution in Kaohsiung metropolis. The results showed that R^2 value for LUR integrated XGBoost model was 0.82, RMSE was 4.53 ppb, which had highly explanatory ability. Besides, 10-fold cross validation R^2 for the proposed model was 0.82, which showed that the model did not encounter overfitting issue. Finally, this study used the model to depict estimation maps for NO_2 concentration variation in Kaohsiung. The results showed that higher polluted regions were clustered. in south Kaohsiung where industries were well developed and population was densely distributed.
