  • 期刊


The Impact of New Service Predevelopment Activities on New Service Performance: The Moderating Role of Service Newness to Market




This study, with a focus on new service predevelopment phases, explores the contribution of executive quality for predevelopment activities on new service performance, and examines the moderating effect of service newness to market on the relationship of predevelopment activities to new service performance. Sixty-two new service development projects from banking and insurance industries in Taiwan were sampled as empirical subjects. The empirical results show that the executive quality of market studies and business analysis has significantly positive impact on new service performance. Moderated regression analyses (MRA) indicate that the greater the executive quality of market studies, the greater the positive impact of business analysis on new service performance. The findings of MRA also indicate that when the service newness to market is low, increases in executive quality of idea screening will positively influence new service performance, and when the service newness to market is high, increases in executive quality of idea screening will negatively influence new service performance. Finally, managerial implications for new service pre-development are presented.


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