  • 期刊


【論文摘要】Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital-The Predicaments Faced in the Promotion of Home Health Care





This is a field case study pertaining to the management level of a real company that uses "predicaments faced in the promotion of home health care" as the main topic of its discussion to construct a humancentric, value-based health care model. Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital has officially launched its home health care services, having started to plan home health care in June 2016 and officially accepting patents on August 30 of the same year, while in 2018, Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital's home care clinic also underwent a comprehensive transformation to its home healthcare service. This case depicts the team-leading endeavors of Associate Director Gao and Supervisor Chen in the promotion of home health care and how problems were handled and resolved in the face of real predicaments and challenges, which are subsequently used to construct a value-oriented home health care model and create the professional values demonstrated by personnel providing home health care.
