  • 期刊


March Towards a New World Literature: On "Reverse-Minor Literature"


從前「世界文學」通常意味著以歐美男性作家為主的「經典」名單。然而,1980年代以後,從諾貝爾文學獎的獲獎名單上,也可看到這種尊重從前西洋現代主流文化所忽略的區域-亞洲、非洲、拉丁美洲、東歐、女性、殖民地、散居等-之態度。近來,在後殖民理論、文化研究、女性學等思潮背景下,從前的「世界文學」已被解構到了一定程度。如今,思考這些領域已經成為「政治正確」之一環。不過,今日的「解構性世界文學」仍然有不小的問題。因為,今日的「世界文學的擴大」,還是以國際強勢語言為前提,倘若欲讓第三世界文學成為「世界文學」的成員,還是必須把其翻譯為歐美日的強勢語言,並在其讀者市場上市。藉由翻譯出版,蒐集各式各樣的當地語言文化,以便供應「宗主國」的市場,讓其消費,而這樣的行為,可說是全球化經濟中的一種「剝削」。為對抗以強勢語言的霸權地位為前提的全球文學秩序,本文嘗試探討「逆.少數文學」。「逆.少數文學」就是德勒茲與伽塔利「少數文學」(littérature mineure)的反轉,意指自相對強大的語言集團移動至相對弱小的語言集團之文學。本文首先回顧一下,第二次世界大戰後日本所開展的「世界文學」觀之變遷,接著藉由美籍日語作家李維英雄、日籍中文作家新井一二三,探討此種「異邦人」的文學,以摸索更新「世界文學」、「第三世界文學」的可能性。


In the past, "world literature" usually meant a "classical" list consisting of European and American male writers. However, since the 1980s, from the Nobel laureate list for literature, one can also see that the respect has also been paid for the areas and persons that had been neglected by the modern Western mainstream culture before, such as Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, women, colonies, scattered-living areas, etc.. Recently, within the fields of postcolonial theory, cultural studies, and female studies, the "world literature" has been deconstructed to a certain extent, such that thinking about these areas has become a part of "political correctness". However, today's "deconstructive world literature" still carries big problems, because today's "expansion of world literature" is still based on the premise of a hegemonic international language. If the third-world literature becomes a member of "world literature", the books must be translated into a hegemonic language in Europe, America, and Japan, and come into the market so that books are available to readers. Through translation and publishing, a variety of local languages and cultures is collected for the market of "sovereign countries", which can be seen as a kind of "exploitation" in the global economy. In order to counter the global literature order dominated by the hegemonic language, this paper attempts to explore "reverse-minor literature". "Reverse-minor literature" is the reversal of "littérature mineure", which means reversing from a relatively powerful language group to a relatively weak language group. This essay first reviews the changes in the concept of "world literature" that Japan carried out after Second World War, and then moves on to examine such "foreign people" literature through the American-Japanese writer Ian Hideo Levy, and Japanese-Chinese writer Arai Hifumi, in order to explore the possibilities of updating "world literature" and "third-world literature".


