  • 期刊

Antecedents of Apps Download Intention: An Empirical Study of Google Play

Apps下載意圖的前因:Google Play實證研究


A major concern of managers of mobile application (app) marketplaces is to enhance users' download intentions. This study investigates the antecedents of users' download intentions as well as the relationships among interactivity, "pleasure, arousal, and dominance (PAD) emotion," and swift guanxi by applying the Mehrabian and Russell's (1974) stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) paradigm as a theoretical background for the conceptual framework. This study collected 1,209 samples and applied a structural equation modeling to verify that two-way communication, synchronicity, and responsiveness have significant and positive effects on apps users' control emotion. Control has a significant and positive effect on arousal and pleasure. In addition, arousal has a significant and positive effect on pleasure. The contributions of this research confirm the significant and positive effects of interactivity on control as well as the effect of swift guanxi on apps users' download intention and its mediation effect between pleasure and download intention.


行動應用程式(mobile application, app)市場管理者主要關注的是增加使用者的下載意圖,這份研究調查下載意圖的前因為何,以及下載意圖的前因(互動性)與「愉悅、喚起和支配(pleasure, arousal, and dominance, PAD)三維情緒模組」及「流暢關係」之間的關係,並且以「刺激-有機體-反應」(stimulus-organism-response, S-O-R)模式(Mehrabian and Russell, 1974)作為概念架構的理論背景。這項研究蒐集了1,209個樣本,並應用結構方程模式驗證了雙向溝通、同步性和回應性對apps使用者控制情緒具有顯著且正向的影響,控制對於喚醒和愉悅亦具有顯著且正向的影響。除此之外,喚醒顯著正向影響愉悅。這項研究的結果證明控制具有顯著正向的交互作用影響,並且流暢關係對apps使用者下載意圖以及其在愉悅和下載意圖之間的中介效果具有影響關係。


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