  • 期刊


An Analysis of Dirverse Motivations for Studying Nursing




護生 就讀動機


Based on questionnaire investigation and statistical analysis, this article was to inquire into the studying motivation of nursing students and offers tables to evaluate more efficiently wby local mrsing students engage in these studies. The sample adopted included 233 nursing students. The results of factor analysis after the initial testing revealed the following eight factors: (1)social relationship, (2)pursuit of knowledge, (3) professional values and skills, (4)occupational achievement, (5)acquisition of status, (6)inclination, (7)personal values, and (8)country and society. Two higher hierchical factors, which were development of personality and attaining status could be elicited in turn by using higher hierchical factor analysis. The schedule in this article had its own proper validity and reliability and then helped to built a norm. It was also found that whether the grade of nursing students was high or not, “occupational achievement” was the most influential factor in motivation, with “professional values and skills” next, and finally “social relationship” and “inclination” had less influence. In addition, it was surprising that those nursing students of low grade had higher scores on the factor “professional values and skills” than those of high grade.
