  • 期刊


Study on the 1:25,000 topographic maps of Taiwan during Japanese-rule period—the changes of double map sheet numbers and restricted zone of fortified area




The 1:25,000 topographical maps of Taiwan were official maps, which were made in the late period of Japanese rule (since the 1920s to the end of the World War II), and widely used in Taiwan academic circles after its reprint by the Yuan- Liou Publishing Company in 1998. However, it took a long time for surveying and mapping, and had very complex editions, especially each map had two map sheet numbers with "Natural numbers method" and "Smaller scale's sheet name method" at the same time (the former as" Sheet 1 of Hsinchu area" or "Sheet 1 of Keelung fortified area", the latter such as "Taipei-14[Dayuan]-IV "). The former map numbers were also changed many times because of the increased restricted zone of fortified area. As to the changes of the map sheet numbers, Shimizu Yasuo and Shih Tien-fu and other predecessors had done some pilot study, but in the past it was difficult to get entire maps like the same sheet with various editions, so the former research was not perfect enough and the real changes had not been clarified. Relying on the developed digital collections of topographic maps nowadays, the author had obtained thousands of sheets of 1:25,000 topographical maps of Taiwan, and realized that the changes of the map sheet numbers had inevitable causal relationship with several adjustments of the fortified area. This article starts from a large number of map data, firstly derives the real changes of the double map sheet numbers, and then discusses the relations between the map sheet numbers changes and the fortified area adjustments, next compares with the "1:50,000 topographical maps" made by the same institution in the same period to find out the consistence and difference of the fortified area adjustments. Finally, using the research results to make a contrastive analysis of the cataloging of Taiwan's main map collecting institutions and put forward some improvement suggestions to benefit the future researchers.


アジア歷史資料センター, Ref . A01200171600,公文類聚.第四十三編.大正八年.第二十三.軍事一.陸軍(国立公文書館)。
中央研究院地圖與遙測影像數位典藏計畫 (2009),中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心。
国立国会図書館,外邦図 (台湾) 調べ方案内,http://rnavi.ndl.go.jp/research_guide/entry/post-311.phphttp://rnavi.ndl.go.jp/research_guide/entry/post-311.php,2013/9/15
長岡正利 (1993),幻の昭和19年地図一覧図;地圖 (日本),31卷4號,第41-44頁
施添福 (1998),導讀:日治時代的陸地測量部與臺灣地形圖,日治時期臺灣二萬五千分之一地形圖,臺北:遠流,第1-4頁。
