  • 期刊


A Study of Terrain Rendering with Self-Created Visualization Maps




This study is aimed at developing self-created visualization maps to analyze feasibility of aiding in terrain interpretation. We use the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) for plotting the visualization maps, and the Fortran programs for processing the complex computations. In computations of terrain slopes, the Horn method is used; In computations of terrain openness, we discuss the given values of the search radii and the terrain contrasts. The study areas include the Meilan river terrace in Taitung, the Jiou-Jiou peaks in Nantou, the Huoyanshan in Miaoli, and the Ding-To-A sandbars in Tainan. We generate the visualization maps of the study areas and compare them with the aerial photos. The results show that the self-created visualization maps can better highlight the micro-topographies (gully, river terrace, sandbank, and so on), and also can provide valuable references for landslide disasters, catchment divisions and terrain changes. The main purpose of this study is to further bring contributions to disaster prevention, soil and water conservation, environmental monitoring, and resource exploration.


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