  • 期刊


The Excavation and Heirloom of Chinese Ceramics - A Study on the Celadon Vessels in the Shape of Lion from Eastern Wu to Western Jin




越窯青瓷 獅形器 傳世 傳世現象


This article focuses on celadon ceramic vessels in the shape of a lion produced in the Yue kiln in Zhejiang Province of China from Eastern Wu (222-280 A.D.) of the Three Kingdom period to Western Jin (266-316 A.D.). The sprout on top of this type of lion-shaped vessel is sometimes seen as a candle stand, an ink water-dropper, a socket, or generally referred to as a protective talisman to ward against evil. This essay takes the lion-shaped celadon vessels as a departing point to consider the phenomenon that historically Chinese ceramics, after their production, were sometimes buried, excavated, re-buried, re-excavated, then handed down for generations. This phenomenon also deals with issues on accurately evaluating antiquarian objects crafted based on antique models.


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