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Maternity care practice in Denmark: a model of collaboration between midwives and obstetricians




Objectives: The shared care model between obstetricians and midwives is one of the most adopted maternity care models in advanced industrial countries. This article attempts to introduce the Danish maternity care system, which practices this model, to enrich our understanding of the practice in which a collaboration between obstetricians and midwives is practiced, and also to learn the advantages and logic of care embedded in its practice. Methods: To understand Danish maternity care practice, this article is based on data from the Danish media, the national database (Statistics Denmark), related articles and books, field work with interviews of obstetricians, midwives, and pregnant couples from 2014-2017, and participant observations in 7 hospitals in Denmark. Results: Danish law, which ensures a division of labor between obstetricians and midwives that enables midwifery and obstetric professionals to work following a model of collaboration that provides care according to a woman's need. The logic of the Danish maternity care means that when the system is facing challenges from a rising home birth rate and shortage of midwives, Danish society listens to different perspectives from obstetric and midwifery professionals and also to women's need when generating strategies to overcome those challenges. Conclusions: This model serves as a good example to the Taiwanese government and society, and it is therefore of value to learn the core value and care practice policy in this maternity care model.


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