



The Taiwan National Hepatitis C Program Office has been established since December 2016 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan, to respond to the society's calling for a national policy on hepatitis C control, as well as being the first step toward the WHO’s goal set on 2015. Aimed to more effective on communicating and coordinating related policies, the Office gathered information about epidemiological profile and clinical characteristics of hepatitis C nationwide and, with the advice and guidance provided by experts from hepatologists, epidemiologists, economists, public health officers, and government leaders, the "Taiwan Hepatitis C Policy Guideline 2018-2025" was formulated and announced in May 2019. The Guideline set up a goal of hepatitis C elimination by 2025 and highlighted three policy directions, three core strategies, eight action plans that could be implemented by relevant stakeholders at all levels of governments and across public and private sectors. This article aims to summarize the activities which have been implemented as of to date - from the central and local governments, or public and private sectors. These activities include securing adequate budget; lowering barriers of access to care; maintaining continuum of care to leave no one behind; implementing precision screening and diagnosis and treatment strategies; promoting the interventions and strategies among high-risk groups; raising the public awareness on HCV screening and treatment; evaluating outcomes of policy and interventions; encouraging R&D and the introduction of HCV screening and in vitro diagnostic kits products as well.


楊雯雯、吳慧敏、盧勝男、劉嘉玲、鄭國本、蒲若芳:滾動調整 2025 年 C 肝消除治療目標數。台灣衛誌 2022;41:567-71。doi:10.6288/tjph.202212_41(6).PF06。 Yang WW, Wu GHM, Lu SN, Liu CL, Cheng KP, Pwu RF. Towards HCV elimination by 2025: rolling update of the estimated number of persons with chronic HCV infection. Taiwan J Public Health 2022;41:567-71. doi:10.6288/tjph.202212_41(6).PF06. [In Chinese: English abstract]
盧勝男、吳慧敏、蒲若芳:依據流行病學的精準C肝防治先導計劃引領全國性篩檢。台灣衛誌2021;40:123-6。doi:10.6288/tjph.202104_40(2).PF02。 Lu SN, Wu GHM, Pwu RF. Epidemiology-based precise hepatitis C pilot control programs leads the official national screening. Taiwan J Public Health 2021;40:123-6. doi:10.6288/tjph.202104_40(2).PF02. [In Chinese: English abstract]
吳慧敏、楊雯雯、劉嘉玲等:台灣2025年C肝消除的策略與進度。台灣衛誌 2021;40:1-4。doi:10.6288/tjph.202102_40(1).PF01。 Wu GHM, Yang WW, Liu CL, et al. Eliminating hepatitis C in Taiwan by 2025: strategies and progress. Taiwan J Public Health 2021;40:1-4. doi:10.6288/tjph.202102_40(1).PF01. [In Chinese: English abstract]
劉俊人、許景盛、高嘉宏:慢性 C 型肝炎治療的新進展:從干擾素到直接抗病毒藥物。內科學誌 2012;2 3:383-91。doi:10.6314/JIMT.2012.23(6).02。 Liu CJ, Hsu CH, Kao JH. Advances in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: from interferon to direct acting anti-virals. J Intern Med Taiwan 2012;23:383-91. doi:10.6314/JIMT.2012.23(6).02. [In Chinese: English abstract]
Chen DS. Taiwan commits to eliminating hepatitis C in 2025. Lancet Infect Dis 2019;19:466-7. doi:10.1016/s1473-3099(19)30170-7
