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China's Innovative Sandbox and the Formation of the Privately-Owned National Champions: A Case Study on Huawei




Chinese state capitalism is bidirectional, which the government will conduct the market and learn from the market; therefore, we recognize it as Chinese bidirectional and experimental state-capitalism. On the one hand, although the Chinese government has the absolute authority, while the new changes or actors emerge in the market, the government will manage those changes or actors by means of their promise on the market. On the other hand, the innovative activities provide not only the adjustment of managing market but also the concrete mechanism of how the government chooses the enterprises to assist. Facing the institutional vacuum created by the innovation or the new actors, China chooses the certain enterprise to be the national champion by means of the experimental mechanism. Meanwhile, the existence of the privately-owned national champion is necessary for the innovative activities in China to balance the involvement of the bureaucracy and the restrictions of the existed institution. The startup company in the information industry is a good example. The state-owned enterprises can not development design policy is restricted as well, due to the existence of SASAC. Thus, the privately-owned national champion is not only the leader of the market share, but also the interest representative of China's adjustment of market policy.


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