  • 期刊


Study on the Developing Process and Historical Maps in the Warring States Period


戰國時代列國兼併戰爭頻繁,各國的疆界長期處於經常變動的狀態,然而目前已出版的中國歷史地圖集或先秦史專著,只用一、二幅地圖來呈現戰國時代列國的形勢,並不足以顯示二百年間劇烈的疆域變遷。本文以前人繪製之戰國地圖為基礎,重新勾勒「戰國初年(350 B. C.)」、「馬陵戰後至即墨之戰(341-278 B. C.)」和「秦王政元年(246 B. C.)」三個時期的列國疆域圖。上述三幅地圖顯示小國已經滅國或仍存在的事實,以及大國的擴張或喪失領土,特別是秦國逐步向東擴張的疆域變化,秦王政元年,秦國已經擁有「半天下」的疆域。總言之,戰國時代的地圖應該不只一幅,如此才能清楚地反映出二百年間列國重大的發展過程,以及兼併戰爭所造成的疆域變動。


戰國 疆域 地圖 兼併 七雄


In Warring States period, the wars to annex others states happened persistently. The states' borders kept varying perennially. However, the already-published Chinese historical maps or the monographs/ academic works of Pre-Qin, using one or two maps merely to exhibit the status amid the Warring States period, are insufficient to show the change of their territories during these two hundred years. This reading passage re-defines the contour of the maps of the states' status in the three periods, the early year of Warring States Period, the period after-MaLing War, and the period before Qin annexing and unifying the states, on a basis of the maps of the Warring States which were drawn before. This map mentioned above shows that the some of small states died out or struggled till the end of this period and some of big states extended or lost their territories while Qin extended its territory east about. Qin had already gained the over half lands from these states in the first year of King Zheng of Qin. Only over more than one map regarding the Warring States periods can reflect the conspicuous process on development and the territory change through the wars causing from annexing in the two hundred year period.


