  • 期刊


The Column "Women's Bookshelf" on the Magazine "Taiwan Women's Community" and Women's Education




The Goal of the magazine "Taiwan Women's Community" is to educate women to enhance the level of culture on the island of Taiwan during the period of the Japan colonization. Having held relevant forums or talks criticized Taiwanese women for their lack of reading habits, revealed that the most of the women were not educated or illiterate, how could parents care about their children's reading choices or gave the suggestions to enhance the culture of the island's only upward reading habits. The official use of the column recommended by the Governor-General or the columns "Women's Bookshelf" set in 1937, women readers can get a preliminary understanding of the contents of the book from the recommended article, but also understanding the purpose of the book. Analyze the topics of "Women's Bookshelf" column , we can also learn more about what the column concerns. and how they accompany women and shared the experience. This article intends to use the column "Women's Bookshelf" to know the so-called Taiwan's only woman's family magazine during the period of the Japan colonization, to learn how magazines use books to promote women's education and women's cultural uplifting. And trying to understand the connotation of women's educational philosophy.


游鑑明,《日據時期台灣女子教育》,臺師大歷史研究所專刊,1988 年 12 月,頁 29,53。
小山靜子,《家庭の生成と女性の國民化》,頁 I-V, 1-24,東京勁草書房,1999。
柏木博,《家事の政治學》,東京岩波書店,2015,頁 2,74。
社方,〈家庭の讀物を語る座談會〉,《台灣婦人界》,1 卷 6 號(昭和 9 年 6 月 1 日),頁 21-27。
社方,〈談話室─劉明朝〉,《台灣婦人界》,1 卷 10 號(昭和 9 年 10 月 10 日),頁 68-69
