  • 期刊


Applying Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis to Optimize the COVID-19 community screening process


自2019年12月COVID-19疫情爆發至今,全球感染已超過5億人,台灣感染近7萬人(中央指揮中心,2022)。隨著疫情升溫,社區篩檢站設置及落實採檢環節實為重要。本院成立篩檢站後無專人負責流程規劃,以致工作人員與採檢民眾無所依據。本專案小組運用醫療失效模式與效應分析(Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,HFMEA)針對院內篩檢站相關作業流程,分析潛在失效模式及失效原因,進行危害分析及決策樹分析,提出執行因應對策。共分析出4項嚴重失效事件與24項失效原因進行改善。在執行對策後,危害指數由288分降為164分,整體滿意度由70%提升為90%,總流程正確率由87%提升至100%。本專案藉由跨團隊合作有效整合篩檢流程,優化篩檢站流程,增進病人安全與醫療品質。


Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019, more than 500 million people have been infected worldwide, and nearly 70,000 people have been infected in Taiwan (Central Command Center, 2022). As the epidemic heats up, it is very important to set up community screening stations and implement the collection and inspection process. After the establishment of the screening station in this hospital, there is no special person responsible for the process planning, so that the staff and the public have no basis for the inspection. This task force uses Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (HFMEA) to analyze potential failure modes and causes of failures, conduct hazard analysis and decision tree analysis, and propose countermeasures for the relevant operation procedures of the in-hospital screening station. A total of 4 serious failure events and 24 failure causes were analyzed for improvement. After implementing the countermeasures, the hazard index dropped from 288 to 164, the overall satisfaction increased from 70% to 90%, and the overall process accuracy rate increased from 87% to 100%. This project effectively integrates the screening process through cross-team cooperation, optimizes the process of screening stations, and improves patient safety and medical quality.
