  • 期刊


Explore the Network Structure of TSSCI Business and Management Community and its Knowledge Activities - The Perspective of Interlocking Editorship


以往研究發現,知識社群成員間透過正式與非正式互動所形塑的社會網絡結構會影響社群內的知識交流與創新。然而,在國內的商管文獻中卻未對知識社群結構與知識創新之間的關係有所著墨,也甚少有研究從編輯群(editorial board)的策略觀點去檢視商管社群的知識活動與發展。本研究爰以影響台灣商管知識創新最顯著的19本TSSCI商管類期刊為對象,透過期刊間編輯群重疊(interlocking editorship)的情況,建構出TSSCI商管社群網絡,並探索該社群的網絡結構特性,及在如是的網絡結構中的知識擴散與知識創新樣態。本研究結果發現,期刊間透過編輯群重疊而將台灣TSSCI商管社群形塑成一個結構緊密與高度鑲嵌的知識網絡;位居網絡中心的是綜合型期刊,而散佈在網絡邊陲的則多為專業型期刊。然而,在如此強連結的網絡關係下,社群內的知識活動卻不活絡,文獻間的對話甚少,知識呈現分散式發展。另外,即使位居社群網絡中心的期刊彼此間的知識領域重疊性較高,但各自所運用的知識組合模式卻相當不同,彼此核心知識派系的重疊性也不高。在眾多TSSCI商管社群成員努力與國際知識社群接軌之際,本研究也對國內知識社群這種「若即若離」的網絡關係提出若干建議。


Prior research has suggested that the social structure of knowledge community shaped by formal and informal interactions among members would influence significantly the knowledge innovation. However, no research exists in the extant business and management literature of Taiwan to explore the relationship between the academic network structure and knowledge innovation. As such, this study attempts to delineate the social network of Taiwan's TSSCI business and management community via journal editorial interlocking, and aims to unveil the status of knowledge diffusion and innovation within this community. This study found that, in the business and management field, Taiwan's TSSCI journal community was operated by a small group of elite scholars, and shaped as a highly-embedded knowledge network through interlocking editorships among journals. However, within such a strong-tie structure, the knowledge diffusion and innovation were relatively inactive; knowledge dialogues among literature were less and knowledge development was dispersed. While the internationalization for connecting with the international knowledge communities are enthusiastically pursued by the members of TSSCI business and management community, the structure of domestic knowledge development in Taiwan reflects loosely under the surface of highly-embedded community network.


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