  • 期刊

維生素C及Desmethylmisonidazole 對於CHO 細胞放射線效應之研究

Study of Vitamin C and Desmethylmisonidazole on the Radiation Effects of CHO Cells


目的:探討維生素C(vitamin C, ascorbic acid, AA)及desmethylmisonidazole (DMM)對於CHO細胞之辐射效應,以做爲頭頭部腫瘤病人接受放射線治療之臨床參考。 材料與方法:本實驗分爲三部份,第一部份分別探討AA或DMM對於CHO細胞之輻射效應。第二部分研究在相同濃度DMM作用情況下,不同濃度之AA對於CHO細胞之輻射效應。第三部分探討在相同濃度AA作用下,不同濃度之DMM對於CHO細胞輻射效應之影響。 結果:研究顯示,AA對於CHO細胞有輻射保護作用,而DMM對CHO細胞具有輻射敏感作用,但兩者合併使用時對CHO細胞的敏感作用顯著大於保護作用。當DMM濃度固定時,愈高濃度之AA對細胞之輻射保護作用也愈明顯。反之,當AA濃度固定時,DMM濃度愈高其對細胞之輻射敏感效應也愈顯著。 結論:合併AA (0.025mg/ml)及DMM(0.5-10mM)表現出來的是對CHO細胞之輻射敏感效應,而AA對CHO細胞之輻射保護作用只有當DMM不存在時才會顯著表現。


Purpose: The goal of this research is to study the influence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid, AA) and desmethylmisonidazole (DMM) on the radiobiological effects of CHO cells and then as a basis of radiotherapy for head and neck cancer patients. Materials and Methods: This study was designed to investigate the influence of AA and DMM on radiobiological effects of CHO cells. Combination of AA (with different concentration) and DMM (with constant concentration) was also used to evaluate their radiobiological effects. In the same way, the radiobiological effects of combined DMM (with different concentration) and AA (with constant concentration) was also evaluated. Results: The results showed that there are radioprotective effects of AA and radiosensitizing effects of DMM on CHO cells. However, the radiosensitizing effect is significantly greater than radioprotective effect when both drugs were combined used. In addition, the higher concentrations of AA were, the greater it protected CHO cells from radiation under constant concentrations of DMM. On the contrary, the higher concentration of DMM was, the greater it sensitized CHO cells to radiation under constant concentrations of AA. Conclusion: The effect of combined AA (0.025 mg/ml) and DMM (0.5-10 mM) on CHO cells is radiosensitization. When DMM is absent, the radioprotective effect of AA is expressed.
