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Preliminary Results of Induction Bio-Chemotherapy followed by Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma



Purpose: To investigate the efficacy and toxicity of induction bio-chemotherapy followed by intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five patients with previously untreated, stage III/IV NPC received induction bio-chemotherapy followed by IMRT. Induction chemotherapy consists of weekly P-FL (cisplatin + 5-fluorouracil) doublet (n= 17) or a triplet of P-FL-G (P-FL + gemcitabine, n= 7) or P-FL-D (P-FL + docetaxel, n= 1) for a total of 10-12 weeks. Cetuximab 400 mg/m^2 day 1, then 250 mg/m^2 were administered every week. IMRT 70 Gy/35 fractions were delivered to T1-3 lesions and 74 Gy/37 fractions or 76.8 Gy/64 fractions to the T4 tumor. Results: Baseline characteristics are median age= 44 year-old; male/female= 19/6; performance status ECOG 0/1= 13/12; stage III/IV= 12/13, and pathological type (WHO) IIa/IIb= 12/13. All patients tolerated induction bio-chemotherapy very well. Grade 3 toxicity included leucopenia (8.0%) and skin rashes (40.0%). There was no grade 4 toxicity. After induction bio-chemotherapy, we obtained 52.0% complete response rate and 48.0% partial response rate. Thirteen of 24 (54.2%) patients who received re-biopsy of the nasopharynx before IMRT were reported as no viable tumor. IMRT was performed smoothly with a median treatment time of 49 days (range 45-53). After a median follow-up of 21 months, we observed 4 treatment failures, all in distant sites. The 2-year rates overall survival, locoregional failure-free and distant failure-free survivals were 100%, 100%, and 80%, respectively. Conclusion: Induction chemotherapy plus concurrent weekly cetuximab followed by IMRT is a highly effective protocol with very low toxicity in advanced NPC.


目的:探討晚期鼻咽癌患者接受誘導化療合併標靶治療,隨後接受強度調控放療的療效和毒性。材料和方法:本研究收錄新診斷的第三、四期鼻咽癌患者25名,接受誘導化療合併標靶治療,隨後進行強度調控放療。誘導化療為P-FL二藥聯合處方(順鉑加5-氟尿嘧啶,17例)、或三藥聯合處方P-FL-G(P-FL加健擇,7例)或P-FL-D(P-FL加歐洲紫杉醇,一例),每週一種化藥共給10-12週。在誘導化療期間同時給爾必得舒(Cetuximab)400 mg/m^2第1天,然後每週給250 mg/m^2。強度調控放療劑量為巨觀腫瘤體積給予70 Gy/35分次(T1-3之病患),74 Gy/37分次或76.8 Gy/64分次(每次1.2 Gy,一天照射二次,T4腫瘤病患)。結果:病人的中位數年齡為44歲;男性/女性= 19/6;病人一般狀況ECOG 0/1=13/12;臨床分期第三/四期= 12/13,病理類型(WHO分型)IIa/IIb = 12/13。所有患者對誘導化療合併標靶治療耐受性良好。第3級毒性反應只有8.0%白血球低下和40.0%皮疹,沒有發生第4級毒性反應。誘導化療合併標靶治療後,評估療效有52.0%完全緩解率和48.0%部分緩解率。24例病患於放射治療前,接受鼻咽腫瘤重切片,有13名(54.2%)病理報告無存活癌細胞。後續的強度調控放療也進行順利,總治療天數介於45-53天(中位數49天)。經中位追蹤21個月後,有四例發生遠處轉移,二年總存活率、原發及頸部無復發存活率、遠處轉移無復發存活率分別為100%、100%、和80%。結論:誘導化療合併爾必得舒標靶治療,隨後強度調控放療,對晚期鼻咽癌是一種高度有效且低毒性的治療方案。


鼻咽癌 誘導化療 爾必得舒 放射治療
