  • 期刊


Comparisons of fatigue effect due to competitive tennis match or simulated tennis stroke on exercise physiology and performance of tennis players: A literature review


緒論:網球競技中無可避免會產生疲勞的情形。本研究之目的即為透過文獻回顧的方式,探討實際比賽中、以及利用發球機模擬比賽的擊球方式,網球選手在產生疲勞後,對於其運動生理及表現的影響。方法:利用MEDLINE、Scopus 和PubMed 等三個線上資料庫,搜尋2000 年1 月至2014 年12 月間出版,針對以發球機模擬比賽、以及實際比賽之研究,比較兩種方式產生的疲勞效應。文獻品質分數使用皮卓量表評分,而實證等級依據牛津大學實證醫學中心醫學文獻證據等級分類。結果:本研究共篩選出七篇文獻,各篇之文獻品質皆為5 分,實證等級皆為等級四。結果發現當網球選手經由實際比賽或是模擬比賽擊球方式產生疲勞後,選手的心跳、自覺用力係數、以及血液中的乳酸皆顯著上升。而其肌肉的最大自主收縮、正規化肌電圖、及發球速度則皆顯著的下降。結論:本文獻回顧蒐集到的文獻中,文獻品質皆屬於中等品質、且為低證據等級的個案對照研究。根據這些研究可以發現,使用模擬比賽擊球的方式與實際比賽的方式所產生的疲勞,對於選手的心肺能力、肌肉系統、及運動表現有相似的影響。未來需要更多高品質的文獻來探討兩類網球運動形式對於選手其它身體機能影響的異同之處。


網球 疲勞 模擬比賽


Introduction: Fatigue inevitably occurs during the tennis competition. The purpose of this study was to review existing literatures concerning the effect of fatigue resulting from competitive tennis match or simulated tennis stroke on exercise physiology and performance of tennis players. Methods: The database from MEDLINE, Scopus, and PubMed were used to identify the studies (published from January 2000 to December 2014) investigating the effect of fatigue due to competitive tennis match or simulated tennis stroke on tennis players. The quality and level of evidence of the identified studies were assessed using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) Scale and Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM) Levels of Evidence, respectively. Results: All of the seven articles included in this review scored 5 points in the PEDro scale, and were categorized as OCEBM level IV. Fatigue following both tennis match and simulated stroke resulted in increased heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, and blood lactate concentration. Fatigue-induced reduction in serving velocity, muscle strength and electromyography signals during maximum voluntary contraction were also observed. Conclusion: All of the identified studies were of low to moderate quality with a low level of evidence. While our review of these studies indicates that both competitive tennis match and simulated tennis stroke produce similar fatigue effects on the performance, cardiopulmonary and muscular systems, further high-quality studies are warranted to explore the similarity and differences in the effects of fatigue between tennis match and simulated stroke on body function and performance of tennis players.


tennis fatigue simulated competition


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Fernandez, J.,Mendez-Villanueva, A.,Pluim, B. M.(2006).Intensity of tennis match play.British Journal of Sports Medicine.40(5),387-391.
Fitts, P. M.(1954).The information capacity of the human motor system in controlling the amplitude of movement.Journal of Experimental Psychology.47(6),381-391.
