  • 期刊


Effects of 12 weeks of resistance training on body fat and adipose-related inflammatory cytokines in healthy older adults


緒論:伴隨老化而隨之增加的脂肪及脂肪相關發炎細胞激素的濃度會增加慢性疾病的風險,如:心血管疾病和二型糖尿病等。長期阻力訓練相較於有氧運動訓練,對於體脂肪和發炎細胞激素的影響仍未有一致的結論。本研究主要探討十二週阻力訓練介入,對於高齡者體脂肪與發炎細胞激素的影響。方法:以19名健康高齡者為研究對象(年齡:67.9±3.2歲),訓練組10名進行12週、每週3次、每項動作執行3組的全身性漸進式阻力訓練;控制組9名則維持正常生活型態。觀察訓練介入前後體脂肪、脂肪相關細胞激素,如腫瘤壞死因子α(Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, TNF-α)、介白素6(Interleukin-6, IL-6)及瘦素(leptin)之變化,所得數據以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行分析。結果:訓練組及控制組十二週阻力訓練前後體重及BMI無顯著變化。十二週阻力訓練介入後,訓練組體脂率及皮脂厚度總和皆顯著下降,且與控制組有顯著差異(p<.05)。本研究觀察到血清TNF-α濃度後測值顯著低於前測值。訓練組及控制組十二週阻力訓練前後血清IL-6及leptin濃度無顯著差異。進一步比較訓練前後血清IL-6及leptin濃度變化量,觀察到訓練組有下降趨勢,而控制組有上升趨勢。結論:實施十二週阻力訓練,在未顯著改變體重情況下有效降低高齡者體脂率,代表阻力訓練可延緩隨著老化而增加的脂肪率。再者,血清細胞激素濃度在阻力訓練後呈下降的趨勢,顯示高齡者長期從事阻力運動訓練可延緩隨老化而逐漸增高的慢性發炎反應。


老化 阻力運動 肥胖 TNF-α IL-6


Introduction: Adipose tissue and adipose-related inflammatory cytokines are increased with aging, thereby increasing the risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. The effects of resistance training on body fat and adipose-related inflammatory cytokines remain controversial, especially in older adults. The present study investigated the effects of 12 weeks of resistance training on body fat percentage and cytokines in healthy elderly adults. Methods: Nineteen healthy older adults (age: 67.9 ± 3.2 years) without previous experience in resistance training were recruited. The exercise group (EX) performed progressive resistance training (3 times/week), and the control group (CON) maintained their normal lifestyles. The body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BFP), and levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and leptin for the two groups were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Results: There were no differences in BW or BMI between the EX and CON groups. After resistance training, the BFP and skinfold thickness were significantly decreased in the EX group compared with their own pre-training levels and those of the CON group (p < .05). The serum level of TNF-α in the EX group was also significantly decreased compared with their pre-training level. There were no differences in the serum levels of IL-6 and leptin between the EX and CON groups. Conclusion: Resistance training lowered BFP without changing BW in the EX group, suggesting that age-related increases in BFP were attenuated by the resistance training. Furthermore, the levels of certain serum cytokines tend to decrease with resistance training. Therefore, resistance training could attenuate age-associated chronic inflammation in older adults.


aging resistance exercise obesity TNF-α IL-6


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