  • 期刊


The correlation between lower limb anthropometric parameters and preferred transition speed


緒論:自主轉換速度(preferred transition speed, PTS)是步態研究中一項重要的參數,用以區分走路或跑步狀態,而自主轉換速度研究多數是採取歐美人種進行相關的研究,近年研究趨勢探討身體肢段參數與自主轉換速度相關性研究,多數針對縱向肢段參數,顯少有研究同時探討縱向及橫向肢段參數與自主轉換速度的相關性,反觀國內較少探討自主轉換速度的研究。本研究目的為建構臺灣男性族群身體肢段參數與自主轉換速度之間的迴歸方程式關係。方法:本研究以53名臺灣男性的下肢縱向和橫向肢段參數,進行了走-跑及跑-走轉換速度測試來得到自主轉換速度。統計方法使用Pearson積差相關分析和逐步多元迴歸分析,確定自主轉換速度與下肢肢段參數之間的關係。結果:發現了幾個身體長度和身體寬度參數與自主轉換速度呈現弱相關性或無相關性,其中僅發現骨盆寬(%)與自主轉換速度之間存在顯著的相關性(r=.275, p<.05),並將實驗參與者的下肢縱向及橫向肢段參數帶入逐步多元迴歸分析,結果得知預測自主轉換速度PTS=0.111骨盆寬+5.350的多元迴歸公式(R^2=.076)。結論:推論臺灣男性族群因縱向肢段參數,如身高、腿長(%)、小腿長(%),本身就存在臺灣與歐美人種間的差異,故無法參考國外肢段參數迴歸方式來推估自主轉換速度。因此,臺灣男性下肢縱向及橫向肢段參數無法作為預測自主轉換速度的參數,建議未來應該再深入探討動力學或運動學等其他相關的參數對自主轉換速度的相關性研究。


Introduction: The preferred transition speed (PTS) is an important parameter in gait research to distinguish the walking or running state. Most of the research on PTS, however, has been conducted with people of European and American ethnicities. Relatedly, previous studies exploring body measures as possible determinants of PTS were biased toward longitudinal body dimensions, and there have been few studies investigating the correlation between PTS and longitudinal and transverse parameters. Along those lines, there has been only limited research on PTS in Taiwan. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to use regression equations to determine the relationship between longitudinal and transverse anthropometric parameters and PTS in Taiwanese males. Methods: Longitudinal and transverse anthropometric parameters of the lower limb were measured in fifty-three Taiwanese males, and the walk-to-run and run-to-walk speed tests were performed to obtain the PTS of these subjects. The relationship between the PTS and the anthropometric variables was determined by using Pearson's product-moment correlations and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: Weak to small correlations between several body length and width variables and the PTS were found. Significant correlations (p < .05) between transverse body scaled to body height (pelvic width %) and the PTS were found (r = .275). The lower limb parameters were then subjected to stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results yielded a multivariate regression formula with PTS = .111 pelvic width (%) + 5.350 (R^2 = .076). Conclusion: With the inherent differences in longitudinal body parameters (e.g., height, leg length (%), calf length (%)) between Taiwanese and European-American males, the results of the study suggest that it is not possible to estimate the PTS by referring to the regression results of foreign limb parameters. Therefore, the longitudinal and transverse anthropometric parameters of the lower limbs in Taiwanese males cannot be used as predictors of the PTS, suggesting that future studies on the relevance of other parameters, such as kinetics or kinematics, for the PTS should be conducted.


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