  • 期刊


The Impact and Coping Strategy of Gripping for Amendment Judo Rules 2013




Lots amendments in the development of athletic Games have been done in order to fit in the trend, and make the competitions fairer. It also enabled to promote the Games' entertainments, and to get more fans to take part in the Games. Same as in Judo Games, too. The trends of Judo Games in the last 2 decades were high tension, high tempo, but less technical performances. Judo Games did get both power and velocity for changing rules. Yet the performances of techniques were decreased. And it made the Games not so exciting. Thus International Judo Federation (IJF) has changed rules several times since 2000 for making the Games more exciting, more watchable. It also allows players perform more techniques, and keeps players safer. Based on the spirit and core value of Judo: To use energy in a best way; Live and let live.” IJF had released the final edition of Judo rules in 2013. Hoping the amendments may improve the quality of Judo Games so as to get more Judo fans' support. This study attempts to analysis the gripping part of new Judo rules, and tries to find out the best way of coping. Hope the results may offer Judo players learn more about how to deal with the new Judo Rules. Then get better performances and scores.


IJF competition rules scoring techniques


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