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From Addictive Drug to Recreational Commodity: The Evolution of Marijuana in Social Meanings and its Controversy in the United States



The evolution of social meanings regarding cannabis (marijuana) is an epitome projecting its controversial status in the West World. Since the 17^(th) century when cannabis was first introduced to the America, it was perceived as a productive plant with abundant fibers for purpose of clothing. The botanical trait of cannabis with mind-altering effect gradually made it be argued in ambiguous definition of medicine and addictive drug in the complex context of historical background in the United States. From the 19th century to current times, marijuana experienced transformative images from vice existence partly responsible for addictive habits concerning with Americans' nativism against ethnic minority groups and immigration, the symbol of individual freedom for Hippies against the Authority in the mid-1960s, to current tendency as a legal and recreational commodity in many states of the country. This transformative social meanings concerning marijuana reflects the process how Americans aware and redefine the intoxication phenomenon, fostered by commercialism and popular culture, in more liberal and open-minded ways.


大麻最初西方社會中以其植物纖維的功能著稱。北美殖民地時期,維吉尼亞州等地都有大麻栽種以提供製衣業之需求的相關紀錄。然而,大麻在藥性與成癮性的作用在19世紀後的美國社會引發爭議。美國WASP主流文化一方面將大麻與酒精、菸草等成癮性的物品在美國社會的氾濫歸咎於外來移民,並在1914年通過Harrison Act,表達聯邦政府對成癮性現象的控制,但另一方面大麻也成為特定團體如1960年代嬉皮文化(Hippie Culture)反抗權威的象徵。1980年代後,美國地方各州有關大麻的除罪化乃至商品化的過程,反應美國社會看待成癮現象的轉變,其中包括流行文化與商業利益試圖重新定義大麻的社會意義與爭論。


成癮 大麻 社會控制 哈里森法案 嬉皮 除罪化 休閒商品


William J. Bennet and Robert A. White, Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana is Harming America (New York, N.Y. Hachette Book Group, 2016), p. xii
John Frederick Logan, “The Age of Intoxication,” Yale French Studies, No. 50, Intoxication and Literature (Jun., 1974), p. 82.
Mark David Merlin, Man and Marihuana: Some Aspects of Their Ancient Relationship (Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 1975), p. 80-81.
The editors, The Punctuation of the Thirteen Classics (《斷句十三經經文》) (Taipei, Taiwan: Taiwan Enlightenment Book (臺灣開明書店), 1984), Mao Poetry (《毛詩》), Guo Fong (《國風》), Section 544, p. 19
Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, “Raw Materials for Old Papermaking in China,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 93, No. 4 (Oct. to Dec., 1973), p. 510-519
