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Affiliating to a Communal Temple via the Statue of a Deity: Firecracker Societies in Macau, 1900-1966



The firecracker society, or (hua)paohui (花)炮會, was originally organized for the purpose to snatch something shot from the (hua)pao (花)炮 (firecracker), which in Macau is matched with a statue of a deity, distributed and redistributed from a temple annually during the temple festival of celebrating a deity's birthday. Macau paohui developed into small-scale non-government mutual aid organizations. Members in a paohui, generally ranging from about twenty to over a hundred people, might be related by location, occupation, or other backgrounds but were certainly not restricted to any one of these criteria. They form an association voluntarily, mainly for the purposes of collective worship and helping each other to make a living. And the association related itself to a local community temple through the pao. This paper presents, for the first time, the history of the paohui in Macau and reveals how the social structure of local communities changed in the process of urbanization and modernization in Macau in the twentieth century before 1966 as seen from the perspective of paohui activities. In short, the phenomena of Macau paohui represent the transition from the traditional Chinese temple-centric territory society to the modern urban society, which has detached from religious and territory bonds.




(花)炮會 澳門 民間互助組織 神誕 城市化


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