  • 期刊


A Biographical Study of Two Taiwanese Kua-á Lyricists Liang Songlin and Cai Lun


梁松林(1890-1974)素有「臺省老牌通俗臺灣歌選人」、「臺省馳名編作臺灣通俗歌選人」之稱,是目前所知編著歌仔冊數量最多者。2018年12月,杜建坊與梁松林長孫吳哲叡取得聯繫,不僅找到梁氏戶籍資料,也得知不少梁氏之日常生活軼事。本文首先以1920-30年代之《臺灣日日新報》為考察範圍,從中另再新鉤沉出數則有關梁松林的新聞報導,具體呈現梁氏鮮為人知的不同面貌。其次,根據英國牛津大學博德利圖書館(Bodleian Library)館藏歌仔冊稀見刊本:《新編三國歌》(Sinica 4348, 1948)、《新版武家坡王寶川採桑一集》(Sinica 4355,未署年月)、《新版武家坡王寶川採桑No.1》(Sinica 4354,未署年月)之相關內容,對梁松林及其學生王秋榮(烏雞)的互動往來,進行考查。再其次,英國牛津大學博德利圖書館的歌仔冊中,又有《薛仁貴征東歌》第1集至第6集(Sinica 4462,1956),其版權頁載有「雲林鄉(縣)二崙鄉油車村著作者蔡碖」,筆者以此線索,透過田野調查,尋訪到蔡碖(1917-1999?)四子蔡文詔先生,經由蔡文詔先生口述,人稱「碖先」(lún-sian)的歌仔先蔡碖之生平事蹟,始有機會為我們所知曉。


歌仔冊 歌仔先 梁松林 蔡碖 王秋榮 烏雞


Liang Songlin (1890-1974), who authored the most kua-á songs, has long been recognized as the exemplar kua-á lyricist (kua-á sian). In 2018, Du Jianfang got in touch with Liang's eldest grandson, Wu Zherui and located Liang's household registration as well as anecdotes of his daily life. In this study, I begin with surveying the Taiwan Daily News of the 1920s to 1930s for entries about Liang Songlin, filling in some information about him previously unknown. Secondly, I use the rare editions of three kua-á booklets held in Bodleian Library, Oxford University to determine details about Liang's contacts with his student Wang Qiurong (Wuji). Finally, additional six kua-á booklets from the same collection have identified on the back, the name of the lyricist being Cai Lun of Erlun Town, Yunlin County. I followed this clue and conducted field trips to track down Cai's fourth son, Cai Wenzhao. With this oral history, we are able to give an account of Cai Lun's life.


Taiwanese Ballad kua-á sian Liang Songlin Tsai Lun Wang Qiurong Wuji


《新版武家坡王寶川採桑 No.1》。出版年代不詳。梁松林。出版單位不詳。
