  • 期刊


A Survey of the Shiniang Phenomenon in Changshu, Jiangsu




師娘 常熟 寶卷 判事 禳解


There have been several records of the shiniang phenomenon in Jiangnan region since the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Shiniang, a local appellation, refers to a kind of spiritual mediums who have the mysterious power to heal patients with rare disease, or dispel evil spirits for people who are either suffering from bad luck or caught up in calamities. Their rationale for the cause of diseases or deliverance rituals are inexplicable by science. Through a long-term field study, this article gives a comprehensive description of shiniang in the Changshu region of Jiangsu Province, including the evolution, judicial ritual, and ways of exorcism, daily cultivation, self-recognition and relation with ritual personnel, etc. In addition, I devote an entire section to the introduction of the Changshu-exclusive "shiniang precious scrolls," with an annotated bibliography appended. It is hoped that this typical case will advance the investigation, understanding and research of the perpetuation of shiniang in the entire Jiangnan area.


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《拍案驚奇》。[1627] 1995。淩濛初(1580–1644)。陳邇冬、郭雋傑校注。北京:人民文學出版社。
《直隸太倉州志》。[1802] 2002。王昶 (1724–1806)等纂。影印清嘉慶七年刻本。收於《續修四庫全書》第 697 冊。上海:上海古籍出版社。
《花當閣叢談》。[ 約十六世紀末 ] 1991。徐復祚(1560–約 1630)編。北京:中華書局。
《南村輟耕錄》。[1366] 1997。陶宗儀(1329–約 1412)。無編者。收於《元明史料筆記叢刊》。北京:中華書局。
