  • 期刊


Investigation of 500 Cerebral Palsies in Taiwan R.O.C.


本研究利用500名腦性麻痺病童作觀察及分析,以了解台灣地區腦性麻痺在原因、分類、相關缺陷及治療上的特色。 分析結果發現台灣地區腦性麻痺在成因及分類上與醫學先進國家相當接近,僅有產前及產後因素比率稍偏高。值得注意的是新生兒黃疸過高引起的腦性麻痺在本研究高達15.0%,比國外報告的9.7%高出不少,這是不容忽視的問題。因為新生兒黃疸過高只要及早診斷而治療,就可以避免後遺症的發生。 腦性麻痺的長期持續治療在本研究僅佔35.4%,未及半數。其中以重度患者與第四胎及以上者接受治療情況最不理想。顯示台灣地區腦性麻痺在治療方面仍有待加強。




Analysis of 500 cerebral palsies in National Taiwan University Hospital were done from July 1980 to June 1984. Among them, 292 cases were male (58.4%), 208 were female (41.6%). The age distributions that they were brought to our clinic were sequently as following: within 1/2 year old 22.0%, 1/2 to 1 year 31.8%, 1 to 2 year 38.0%, 2 to 5 year 8.8%, above 5 year group 0.4%. The proportions of causal factors were 31.0% in prenatal period, 47.0% in perinatal period, 15.0% in postnatal period, and 7.0% in untracable cases. The contributing diseases of different periods were almost the same data as the developed countries, except for the higher incidence of kernicterus (15%). In this study, 35.1% cases had low birth weight below 2500 gm. As for the classification of symptoms, the majority were of spastic type (50%), quadriplegia (58.6%) and moderate in degree (53.2%). The incidence of associated defects were as follows: strabismus 46.0%, epilepsy 31.2%, hearing impairment 6.6%, visual disturbance 3.2%, hyperactivity 3.8%, microcephaly 4.8%, hydrocephalus 1.4%. Unfortunately, only 35.4% of the patients were brought to our clinic for long term rebabilitation programs continuously. The percentage of non-treatment in severe degree cases was 32.7%, and 23.5% in multiparity (4 or above) group. The concept of long term rehabilitation in cerebral palsy still should be emphasized in this country.


Cerebral Palsy


