  • 期刊

Factors Relating Return to Work After Stroke in Keelung




腦中風病患在發病後無論於生理上、心理上均有巨大之影響,能否重回工作崗位不論對其個人之自信心、社會、人格家庭負擔及經濟上均有莫大之關係。本研究即對病患中風後能否恢復工作之相關因子做一探討。 本研究對象以民國74年8月至83年2月間曾住入基隆長庚醫院及有規律門診追蹤之腦中風病患,並符合65歲以下,中風前有固定工作或家管、中風六個月以上等條件做為調查之對象,研究方法以問卷為主配合門診檢查及電話訪問,共收集105位病患並分為兩組,其中有工作者33位(31%),無工作者72位(69%),比較兩組之年齡、性別、工作性質、經濟狀況、教育程度、腦中風之部位、肢體障礙肢程度、大小便失禁、過去病史等相關因子,全部資料以T-tes、Chisquare test及Logistic regression analysis加以統計分析。 研究結果顯示中風發生時之年齡、工作性質、中風初期是否有小便失禁及肢體障礙之程度均為統計上有意義之因子。




Patients following stroke were usually affected physically and psychologically, and the ability of these patients in returning to work had great influences in their self-confidence, personality, and domestic economy. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated for the factors that may be related to return to work of patients following stroke. One-hundred and five stroke patients in Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital from August, 1985 to February, 1994, and had regular follow up at least for six months were included in our study. Factors including age, sex, type of occupation, economic status, education, location of stroke, severity of weakness of extremities, urine or stool incontinence and past history were compared between these two groups. Statistical analysis with t-test, chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were performed with the datas collected. Of the 105 stroke patients, 33 patients (31%) did return to work and the remaining 72 patients (69%) didn't. We found that younger age at onset of stroke, white-collar occupation, motor performance of hemiparesis at six months after stroke, no urine incontinence at admission were significant factors to return to work after stroke.
