  • 期刊


The Impact of Low Back Pain on Patient's Sexual Life


下背痛不僅會造成患者的痛苦,還會影響到其生活上各方面的功能表現,包括患者的性生活。本研究之目的乃針對下背痛對性生活之影響加以探討分析,總共收集了在某教學醫院復健部接受復健治療的慢性下背痛患者48名,包括男性27名、女性21名,平均年齡是44歲。其平均罹患下背痛的時間是47.7個月,治療前的平均疼痛程度是5.9分(10分為最強疼痛度),接受治療期間內收案時的平均疼痛程度則是3.6分。 因為下背痛而影響到做愛次數者,佔了60.9%的患者。而在做愛過程當中,會感到背部疼痛與不適的則有40.0%。下背痛患者感到最舒適的做愛姿勢,是仰臥式。感到最不舒適的做愛姿勢,則是跨坐式與背後式。下背痛患者對於其目前與性伴侶的做愛狀況,不滿意與很不滿意的,共佔有20.8%;對於其目前的做愛頻率,不滿意與很不滿意的,佔有31.0%;對於其目前與伴侶的性愛關係,不滿意與很不滿意的,則有20.9%;一般而言,下背痛患者對於其目前性生活的滿意度,不滿意與很不滿意的,共有25.6%。 良好的性愛生活,可以增進個人的生活品質。吾人在臨床上治療下背痛患者時,應當不可忽視下背痛對於患者之性生活所造成的影響,並且還要積極地尋求改善之道。


Low back pain (LBP) has various adverse effects on the functional status of a patient's life, including a patient's sex life. This study evaluated the impact of LBP on the sexual life of patients. Forty-eight patients, including 27 men and 21 women, were recruited for this study. Their mean age was 44 years old. The average duration of LBP was 47.7 months. The mean visual analog scale (VAS) before the treatment of LBP was 5.9, while mean VAS at the time of the study was 3.6. Frequency of intercourse affected by LBP was noted in 60.9% of our patients. Forty percent of our patients complained of LBP or back discomfort during sexual intercourse. The most comfortable posture for intercourse was supine, while straddling over and kneeling behind the sex partner were the most uncomfortable postures. Based on this investigation, 20.8% of patients reported being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with sexual intercourse as a consequence of LBP. In this group of study patients, 31.0% felt unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with the frequency of intercourse; 20.9% of patients were unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with sexual problems in their partnership. For general sexual satisfaction, 25.6% of these LBP patients complained of being unsatisfied or very unsatisfied. A good sex life increases the quality of life. While treating LBP patients, we should not ignore the impact of LBP on a patient's sex life. Instead, we should look for ways to improve back function during sexual performance.
