  • 期刊


Using Fitts' Law to Evaluate Functional Performance of Operating Computer Input Devices in Patients with Cervical Cord Injury


由於科技輔具不斷的研發與改善,使得頸髓損傷者可以利用各種改良之電腦輸入設備,參與多樣的電腦相關活動,進而提升日常生活及休閒活動的品質。本實驗之主要目的為利用Fitts定理,以正常人操作一般滑鼠之表現為參考基值,探討頸髓損傷患者操作一般滑鼠、軌跡球及吹吸控制器等電腦輸入介面之功能性表現。 本實驗的受試者共有25人,其中16名正常人,男性、女性各8名,平均年齡26.9±2.4歲;脊髓損傷者9名,男性7名,女性2名,平均年齡28.0±6.6歲。本實驗之實驗方法為:(l)利用電腦輸入介面測試軟體,分別測試16名正常人使用一般滑鼠之操作情形,以作為參考基值。(2)利用電腦輸入介面測試軟體,分別測試9名頸髓損傷患者,使用各式慣用電腦輸入介面之操作情形。電腦輸入介面測試軟體依據Fitts定理,設計有六組困難度,分別為1.15,2.15,2.74,3.74,4.32,5.32,游標移動時,軟體同時記錄游標移動之動作時間與軌跡。實驗變項為動作時間。 結果顯示,16名正常受測者與9名頸髓損傷者分別操作其慣用電腦輸入介面之動作時間,呈現之線性模式皆為適配之預測方程式。正常人操作一般滑鼠之動作時間,於各種困難度皆優於頸髓損傷者操作三種輸入介面之動作時間。頸髓損傷者操作一般滑鼠與軌跡球之結果顯示,困難度1.15和2.15時,一般滑鼠之動作時間優於軌跡球,然而於困難度2.74以上,軌跡球之動作時間優於一般滑鼠。至於吹吸式控制器之動作時間於各種困難度皆比其他電腦輸入介面長。 雖然頸髓損傷者不論使用何種輸入介面,都比正常人之速度為慢,仍然在可接受、實用的程度,因此有使用電腦需求者,都能持續使用之。


Due to the recent development of the assistive technology, patients with cervical cord injury may use an adapted computer input system to participate in various computer related activities, and as a result patients improve their quality of daily living and leisure activities. Fitts' Law is a reliable reference to compare the performance of normal persons using an input device like a mouse. The purpose of this study is to apply Fitts' Law to understanding the functional performance of patients with cervical cord injury when operating a mouse, trackball, and sip-and-puff controller. Twenty-five subjects were included in this study. The controls consisted of eight males and eight females without a cervical cord injury who averaged 26.9±2.4years old. Of the nine patients with a cervical cord injury, seven were males and two were females who averaged 28.0±6.6-years-old. The research methods consisted of two parts. First, the 16 control subjects used testing software of the computer input interfaces to establish baseline values for the mouse. Second, the nine patients were tested with the computer input interfaces. According to Fitts' Law, input tasks were designed by six difficulty levels of 1.15, 2.15, 2.74, 3.74, 4.32, and 5.32. When the cursor moved, the software recorded the movement time and the real-time orbit. Movement time was considered the experiment variable. The results of the study and control groups were analyzed separately. It was found that the movement time of all participants operating familiar computer input interface presented a linear prediction equation. At all levels of difficulty, the control group's performance using a regular mouse was superior to that of performance of cervical cord injured patients using three different computer input interfaces. The study group shows that with an Index of Difficulty 1.15 and 2.15, moving duration of the regular mouse was shorter than that of the trackball. However, when the Index of Difficulty was greater than 2.72, the movement time of the trackball was less than that of mouse. At all levels of difficulty, the movement times of the sip-and-puff controller were longer than that of the other two controllers. These findings support that the performance of patients with a cervical cord injury operating three different kinds of computer input interface is within an acceptable and practical range although their reaction speeds are slower than that of the control group. Nevertheless, patients with cervical cord injuries could benefit from using adapted input system in daily life.
