  • 期刊

Comparison of Thermal Effect with Ultrasound in Rat Calf Muscles after the Application of Five Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs



研究背景:超音波導入療法是利用超音波將藥物推入皮膚下組織的一種方法。本篇研究主要探討在大鼠後腿無毛皮膚上以超音波導入非類固醇抗炎藥物後,在活體中淺層及深層組織溫度的變化。 實驗設計與目的:本篇研究主要探討在大鼠後腿皮膚上以超音波導入非類固醇抗炎藥物後,在活體中淺層及深層組織溫度的變化。 方法:在250-300克重的雄性Wistar大鼠單側後肢皮膚上,利用超音波隨機導入以下五種非類固醇抗炎藥物之其中一種:piroxicam (Feldene)、indomethacin (Indocin)、etofenamate (Rheumon)、methylsalicylate (Salomethyl)或diclofenac (Voren);另一側後肢則作為不投藥之實驗對照組。以1MHz,1W/平方公分的持續性、50%或20%間歇性輸出的超音波,分別給予5、10或20分鐘的處置。利用數位式針電極組織溫度測量儀記錄導入前、後的溫度變化。 結果:五種非類固醇抗炎藥物超音波導入實驗組及其對照組之處置後,淺層及深層組織溫度均明顯較處置前增加。但是,五種非類固醇抗炎藥物超音波導入實驗組的深層溫度增加程度比對照組顯著。其中,piroxicam及diclofenac使用間歇性超音波輸出導入藥物後,深層溫度升高情形明顯比其他三種高。結論:使用超音波導入piroxicam或diclofenac兩種藥時,造成較高的深層組織熱效應,推測這兩種藥物的經皮吸收效果也較佳。


Background and Purposes: Phonophoresis has been defined as the migration of drugs through the skin under influence of ultrasound (US). The phonophoresis of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) was studied in vivo through hairless rat skin to determine the temperature changes in superficial and deep tissues in response to NSAID phonophoresis. Study Design and Objectives: To measure and compare the temperature changes in tissues in response to five NSAIDs under phonophoresis. Methods: Male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 350 g had one of five drugs; i.e., piroxicam (Feldene), indomethacin (Indocin), etofenamate (Rheumon), methylsalicylate (Salomethyl), or diclofenac (Voren) applied to one hindlimb followed by phonophoresis. The other hindlimb served as the sham-treated control. US intensities of 1.0W/cm^2 at a fixed frequency of 1 MHz were applied in continuous or pulsed waves with 50% and 25% duty cycles for 5, 10, or 20 minutes. Tissue temperatures were assessed by a digital recorder with hypodermic needle microprobes before and after phonophoresis. Results: Significant temperature rises were produced in skin and muscle after five NSAID phonophoretic and sham treatments. But these temperature rises showed significant differences among five NSAIDs in the deep muscle of phonophoresis-treated limbs (P<0.05). Especially after piroxicam and diclofenac phonophoresis, the deep temperatures were significantly higher in pulsed-wave US treated limbs than those treated with sham (P<0.05). Conclusion: The use of piroxicam or diclofenac enhances the thermal effect of deep tissue during US phonophoresis, which may potentially further increase the percutaneous absorption of these drugs.
