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Exploring the Relationship between Small and Medium Hotels and Online Travel Agencies: Validating Brand Spillover and Reciprocal Effect by Test of Mediation Models




With the popularization of the Internet, online travel agencies (OTAs) become an important sales channel in the tourism industry. In recent years, there are several mergers and acquisitions in the OTAs industry to form several large multinational enterprises, making small and medium-sized enterprise hotels (SMEHs) more vulnerable to OTAs. However, SMEHs are the main providers and employers of domestic accommodation industry. In order to explain the purchase behavior of travelers between SMEHs and OTAs, this study collected 431 questionnaires and used the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method to test path coefficients and mediation relationships. The results show that: travelers trust OTAs significantly and positively influenced their trust SMEHs; travelers' satisfaction with SMEHs significantly and positively influenced their satisfaction with OTAs, and indirectly influenced their intention to repurchase OTAs. The results of this study confirm the brand spillover and reciprocal spillover effect between SMEHs and OTAs. And there is the mutually beneficial relationship between small and medium-sized hotels and OTAs.


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