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Consumption Demand Analysis of Foreign Tourists Visiting Taiwan-Evidence from Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, and Other Asian Regions


本文嘗試使用2003年至2018年交通部觀光局發布之「來臺旅客消費及動向調查報告」。運用動態近似理想需求系統模型(almost ideal demand system model, AIDS),估算新南向政策(new southbound policy, NSP)國家訪臺旅客對消費商品與服務的支出、自我價格和交叉彈性。本文貢獻於針對不同新南向國家不同屬性別的旅客分別建立消費需求系統模型,估算新南向國家不同屬性別的訪臺旅客對於相關彈性的敏感度,以及聚焦於觀光新南向工作計畫中「區隔客群行銷」針對購物費之分析,以補足過去文獻在屬性別分析上的缺口。由實證結果發現,新南向國家的旅客對於臺灣的住宿、餐飲、交通、娛樂和購物的價格變動較不敏感,新加坡的訪臺旅客著重於在臺交通的便利性、馬來西亞的訪臺旅客偏好臺灣的娛樂、紐澳的訪臺旅客注重臺灣的住宿品質、亞洲其他地區的旅客偏好在臺購物。相較於其他屬性別的旅客,新南向國家中高所得和老年的訪臺旅客較喜愛在臺購物。


This study examined the Annual Survey Report on Visitors Expenditure and Trends in Taiwan released by Taiwan's Tourism Bureau between 2003 and 2018. A dynamic Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) model was adopted to estimate the consumption of products and services by visitors from New Southbound Policy (NSP) countries in terms of expenditures, own prices, and cross elasticity of demand. This facilitated the establishment of individual demand system models with respect to the varying attributes of visitors from different NSP countries. Accordingly, these visitors' sensitivity to demand elasticity can be estimated to expedite analyses on niche marketing for NSP tourism promotion and to supplement research gaps in attribute analyses. The empirical research results confirmed that tourists from NSP countries were less sensitive to changes in the prices of accommodation, dining, transportation, entertainment, and shopping in Taiwan. When visiting Taiwan, tourists from Singapore value of transportation convenience more highly. Tourists from Malaysia preferred entertainment services. Tourists from New Zealand and Australia paid close attention to quality of accommodation. Tourists from other Asian regions attach more importance to shopping. Compared with visitors of varying attributes, high-income and older visitors from NSP countries enjoyed shopping in Taiwan more so than the other groups did.


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